What Area of My Life Needs More Self-Care? | Pick-a-Card Tarot Reading

Hi, everyone! Today’s pick-a-card Tarot reading is about “Which area of my life needs more self-care?”

You can choose one or more options from the picture and check the results below. The groups are numbered 1 to 3 from left to right.

Group 1: The yellow gem
Group 2: The pink gem
Group 3: The orange gem

The full spread of the Tarot cards is at the bottom of this article.


This is a general pick-a-card reading, so it might not resonate with everyone. While it may offer some inspiration, remember that you have the power to create change in your life. Don’t rely solely on Tarot, and if you ever need extra support, please don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Thank you for joining me, and I hope you enjoy the reading!

At the Bottom of the Deck

At the bottom of the deck, we have the Three of Pentacles. While this card often relates to workplace situations, the imagery in this Tarot deck made me feel that this reading might be for someone caring for younger siblings or children. You might also be facing some financial struggles right now.

I noticed that the title of the book they’re reading is upside down, which makes me think that neither of you are fully focused on what needs to be done right now. For example, you might be helping a younger sibling or child with their homework, but you’re so exhausted that you’re struggling to teach them properly.

Let’s take a deeper look and see what advice the cards have for us!

Group 1: The Yellow Gem

You may need to focus on self-care when it comes to your future goals and dreams. The Two of Wands can symbolize travel or going abroad, so some of you might be considering studying or working overseas, or perhaps there’s a place you’ve been dreaming of visiting.

The Empress (upright) is at the center of your spread, which suggests that you’ve been caring for others but haven’t had enough time or energy to care for yourself. You know what? Maybe it’s time to put yourself first and start working toward your dreams.

The advice here is that you don’t have to be like everyone else. Deep down, I feel you already know your worth and potential, but you might be holding yourself back to fit into society. From now on, try not to fear conflict too much. You don’t need to apologize for being yourself—you deserve to chase your own happiness.

Some of you might have certain responsibilities that are making it hard to pursue your dreams, but you could start reaching out to people who can support you. For example, if you’re looking for information about studying or working abroad, consider contacting a guidance counselor or an agency for help.

Keep going after your dreams!

Group 2: The Pink Gem

You might need some self-care when it comes to your thoughts and communication. Perhaps there’s something you’ve wanted to say, but haven’t been able to express how you truly feel.

At the center of your spread, we have the Nine of Wands upright, which suggests you’ve been really busy and haven’t had time to clear your mind. Some of you might also have been overwhelmed with business trips.

The advice is to take the time to reflect on what’s on your mind, get plenty of rest to clear your head, and share your feelings with others.

I sense that you’re feeling really tired and confused right now. Maybe it’s time to take a moment to yourself and ask what you truly want from this situation.

Since the King of Cups is holding a star, it feels like you still have hope. Try not to limit your ability to express yourself. If you could say what’s on your mind, it might bring you a sense of calm.

Group 3: The Orange Gem

You might need some self-care when it comes to a secret you’ve been wanting to share. You may have been preparing to express yourself, maybe by writing it down or drafting a letter, but it seems like you’re starting to give up on it.

The Eight of Swords upright is at the center of your spread, which suggests you might be feeling really scared to open up about your thoughts and feelings. You may also be holding onto something or someone, not quite ready to let go. Perhaps you’re afraid of being forgotten or abandoned.

The advice is to try to see the situation from a more positive perspective. You might be overthinking things or not trusting someone enough to open up. However, if you choose the right person, I don’t think the situation will be as bad as you fear.

The only thing you need to be cautious about is who you choose to open up to. If you just want to talk to a trustworthy friend, don’t hesitate to let them know you’d like to speak with them privately. You don’t have to share everything with everyone.

If you’re not sure how to tell if someone is trustworthy, pay attention to how they treat others. Some people are nice to certain people but can be really cruel to others. However, if you see your friend being loyal to others too, then they might be someone you can trust.

This is a Tarot reading, so I’m not going to pressure you to open up, but if you do decide to, I hope this reading helps you move forward!